Commit 1580c22d authored by basm's avatar basm

PW-261 Removed the detailed refusal reasons

Additional information in Comments history
parent 331edac8
......@@ -211,23 +211,30 @@ class Result extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
$type, $authResult, $pspReference, $paymentMethod
$history = $this->_orderHistoryFactory->create()
// needed because then we need to save $order objects
switch ($authResult) {
case Notification::AUTHORISED:
$result = true;
$this->_adyenLogger->addAdyenResult('Do nothing wait for the notification');
case Notification::PENDING:
// do nothing wait for the notification
$result = true;
if (strpos($paymentMethod,"bankTransfer") !== false){
$comment .= "<br /><br />Waiting for the customer to transfer the money.";
elseif($paymentMethod == "sepadirectdebit"){
$comment .= "<br /><br />This request will be send to the bank at the end of the day.";
else {
$comment .= "<br /><br />The payment result is not confirmed (yet).
<br />Once the payment is authorised, the order status will be updated accordingly.
<br />If the order is stuck on this status, the payment can be seen as unsuccessful.
<br />The order can be automatically cancelled based on the OFFER_CLOSED notification. Please contact Adyen Support to enable this.";
$this->_adyenLogger->addAdyenResult('Do nothing wait for the notification');
case Notification::CANCELLED:
......@@ -250,6 +257,15 @@ class Result extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
$history = $this->_orderHistoryFactory->create()
return $result;
......@@ -156,9 +156,10 @@ class Validate3d extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
} else {
$this->_adyenLogger->addAdyenResult("Customer was redirected to bank for 3D-secure validation.");
__('Customer was redirected to bank for 3D-secure validation.')
__('Customer was redirected to bank for 3D-secure validation. Once the shopper authenticated, the order status will be updated accordingly.
<br />Make sure that your notifications are being processed!
<br />If the order is stuck on this status, the shopper abandoned the session. The payment can be seen as unsuccessful.
<br />The order can be automatically cancelled based on the OFFER_CLOSED notification. Please contact Adyen Support to enable this.'))->save();
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