Commit ab20f519 authored by Alexandros Moraitis's avatar Alexandros Moraitis Committed by GitHub

Separate Checks IP and HMAC (#809)

* Separate Checks IP and HMAC

* Merge the if statements
parent c36a919e
......@@ -205,29 +205,28 @@ class Json extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
protected function _processNotification($response, $notificationMode)
if ($this->configHelper->getNotificationsIpCheck()) {
//Validate if the notification comes from a verified IP
if (!$this->isIpValid()) {
//Validate if Ip check is enabled and if the notification comes from a verified IP
if ($this->configHelper->getNotificationsIpCheck() && !$this->isIpValid()) {
"Notification has been rejected because the IP address could not be verified"
return false;
if ($this->configHelper->getNotificationsHmacCheck() && $this->hmacSignature->isHmacSupportedEventCode(
)) {
//Validate the Hmac calculation
if (!$this->hmacSignature->isValidNotificationHMAC(
)) {
"Notification has been rejected because the IP address could not be verified"
'HMAC key validation failed ' . print_r($response, 1)
return false;
if ($this->configHelper->getNotificationsHmacCheck()) {
if ($this->hmacSignature->isHmacSupportedEventCode($response)) {
//Validate the Hmac calculation
if (!$this->hmacSignature->isValidNotificationHMAC(
)) {
'HMAC key validation failed ' . print_r($response, 1)
return false;
// validate the notification
if ($this->authorised($response)) {
// log the notification
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