Commit 9fa37954 authored by Attila Kiss's avatar Attila Kiss Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #732 from Adyen/PW-2332

[PW-2332] Delay OFFER_CLOSED notifications processing by 10 minutes
parents 7025e6c6 da417bf3
......@@ -331,6 +331,34 @@ class Cron
* @param $notification
* @return bool
private function shouldSkipProcessingNotification($notification)
// OFFER_CLOSED notifications needs to be at least 10 minutes old to be processed
$offerClosedMinDate = new \DateTime();
$offerClosedMinDate->modify('-10 minutes');
// Remove OFFER_CLOSED notifications arrived in the last 10 minutes from the list to process to ensure it
// won't close any order which has an AUTHORISED notification arrived a bit later than the OFFER_CLOSED one.
$createdAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $notification['created_at']);
// To get the difference between $offerClosedMinDate and $createdAt, $offerClosedMinDate time in seconds is
// deducted from $createdAt time in seconds, divided by 60 and rounded down to integer
$minutesUntilProcessing = floor(($createdAt->getTimestamp() - $offerClosedMinDate->getTimestamp()) / 60);
if ($notification['event_code'] == Notification::OFFER_CLOSED && $minutesUntilProcessing > 0) {
sprintf('OFFER_CLOSED notification %s skipped! Wait %s minute(s) before processing.',
$notification->getEntityId(), $minutesUntilProcessing)
return true;
return false;
public function execute()
// needed for Magento < 2.2.0
......@@ -341,22 +369,19 @@ class Cron
$this->_order = null;
// execute notifications from 2 minute or earlier because order could not yet been created by magento
$dateStart = new \DateTime();
$dateStart->modify('-5 day');
$dateEnd = new \DateTime();
$dateEnd->modify('-1 minute');
$dateRange = ['from' => $dateStart, 'to' => $dateEnd, 'datetime' => true];
// create collection
$notifications = $this->_notificationFactory->create();
$notifications->addFieldToFilter('done', 0);
$notifications->addFieldToFilter('processing', 0);
$notifications->addFieldToFilter('created_at', $dateRange);
$notifications->addFieldToFilter('error_count', ['lt' => Notification::MAX_ERROR_COUNT]);
// Loop thorugh notifications to set processing to true if notifiaction should not be skipped
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
// set Cron processing to true
// Check if notification should be processed or not
if ($this->shouldSkipProcessingNotification($notification)) {
// Remove notification from collection which will be processed
// set notification processing to true
$this->_updateNotification($notification, true, false);
......@@ -459,7 +484,7 @@ class Cron
//Trigger admin notice for unsuccessful REFUND notifications
if ($this->_eventCode == Notification::REFUND){
if ($this->_eventCode == Notification::REFUND) {
} else {
......@@ -882,7 +907,6 @@ class Cron
protected function _processNotification()
$this->_adyenLogger->addAdyenNotificationCronjob('Processing the notification');
$_paymentCode = $this->_paymentMethodCode();
......@@ -1143,10 +1167,8 @@ class Cron
// Populate billing agreement data
if ($billingAgreement->isValid()) {
if (!$this->agreementResourceModel->getOrderRelation($billingAgreement->getAgreementId(),
$this->_order->getId())) {
// save into sales_billing_agreement_order
......@@ -46,4 +46,30 @@ class Collection extends \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\Ab
$this->addFieldToFilter('created_at', $dateRange);
return $this;
* Filter the notifications table to get non processed or done notifications without 5 or more errors older than
* 2 minutes but not older than 5 days, ordered by created_at and event_code columns
* @return $this
public function notificationsToProcessFilter()
// execute notifications from 2 minute or earlier because order could not yet been created by magento
$dateStart = new \DateTime();
$dateStart->modify('-5 day');
$dateEnd = new \DateTime();
$dateEnd->modify('-1 minute');
$dateRange = ['from' => $dateStart, 'to' => $dateEnd, 'datetime' => true];
$this->addFieldToFilter('done', 0);
$this->addFieldToFilter('processing', 0);
$this->addFieldToFilter('created_at', $dateRange);
$this->addFieldToFilter('error_count', ['lt' => \Adyen\Payment\Model\Notification::MAX_ERROR_COUNT]);
// Process the notifications in ascending order by creation date and event_code
$this->getSelect()->order('created_at ASC')->order('event_code ASC');
return $this;
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