Commit 9e7967cc authored by Attila Kiss's avatar Attila Kiss Committed by GitHub

[PW-3157] [iDeal] First notification is unsuccessful but a second notification...

[PW-3157] [iDeal] First notification is unsuccessful but a second notification 2 minutes later send a success response => order canceled but payment is in success (#910)

* Delay processing of AUTHORISATION success=false notifications by 10 min

In some edge cases (for example 3DS1 authentication) an authorisation
success=false notification can be sent earlier than the success=true one
The reason can be a closed and reopened mobile application where the
customer performs the 3DS1 authentication
To avoid closing false unsuccessful orders, processing authorisation
success=false and offer_closed notifications are delayed

* Simplify date calculations
parent 7e6af934
......@@ -382,26 +382,61 @@ class Cron
private function shouldSkipProcessingNotification($notification)
// OFFER_CLOSED notifications needs to be at least 10 minutes old to be processed
$offerClosedMinDate = new \DateTime();
$offerClosedMinDate->modify('-10 minutes');
// Remove OFFER_CLOSED notifications arrived in the last 10 minutes from the list to process to ensure it
// won't close any order which has an AUTHORISED notification arrived a bit later than the OFFER_CLOSED one.
$createdAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $notification['created_at']);
// To get the difference between $offerClosedMinDate and $createdAt, $offerClosedMinDate time in seconds is
// deducted from $createdAt time in seconds, divided by 60 and rounded down to integer
$minutesUntilProcessing = floor(($createdAt->getTimestamp() - $offerClosedMinDate->getTimestamp()) / 60);
if ($notification['event_code'] == Notification::OFFER_CLOSED && $minutesUntilProcessing > 0) {
'OFFER_CLOSED notification %s skipped! Wait %s minute(s) before processing.',
switch ($notification['event_code']) {
// Remove OFFER_CLOSED and AUTHORISATION success=false notifications for some time from the processing list
// to ensure they won't close any order which has an AUTHORISED notification arrived a bit later than the
// OFFER_CLOSED or the AUTHORISATION success=false one.
case Notification::OFFER_CLOSED:
// OFFER_CLOSED notifications needs to be at least 10 minutes old to be processed
$offerClosedMinDate = new \DateTime('-10 minutes');
$createdAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $notification['created_at']);
return true;
$minutesUntilProcessing = $createdAt->diff($offerClosedMinDate)->i;
if ($minutesUntilProcessing > 0) {
'OFFER_CLOSED notification (entity_id: %s) for merchant_reference: %s is skipped! Wait %s minute(s) before processing.',
return true;
case Notification::AUTHORISATION:
// Only delay success=false notifications processing
if (
strcmp($notification['success'], 'true') == 0 ||
strcmp($notification['success'], '1') == 0
) {
// do not skip this notification but process it now
return false;
// AUTHORISATION success=false notifications needs to be at least 10 minutes old to be processed
$authorisationSuccessFalseMinDate = new \DateTime('-10 minutes');
$createdAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $notification['created_at']);
$minutesUntilProcessing = $createdAt->diff($authorisationSuccessFalseMinDate)->i;
if ($minutesUntilProcessing > 0) {
'AUTHORISATION success=false notification (entity_id: %s) for merchant_reference: %s is skipped! Wait %s minute(s) before processing.',
return true;
return false;
......@@ -753,7 +788,8 @@ class Cron
// if payment method is klarna, ratepay or openinvoice/afterpay show the reservartion number
if ($this->_adyenHelper->isPaymentMethodOpenInvoiceMethod(
$this->_paymentMethod) && !empty($this->_klarnaReservationNumber)) {
) && !empty($this->_klarnaReservationNumber)) {
$klarnaReservationNumberText = "<br /> reservationNumber: " . $this->_klarnaReservationNumber;
} else {
$klarnaReservationNumberText = "";
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