Commit 9cc27dcd authored by acampos1916's avatar acampos1916

[PW-2212]: New installments config field to replace old row UI

* New config path has been created to avoid overwriting old formatted values
parent 7aba083e
......@@ -77,20 +77,17 @@
<tooltip>Enable installments for each credit card type.</tooltip>
<field id="installments" translate="label" sortOrder="220" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"
<field id="installments" type="textarea" translate="label" sortOrder="220" showInDefault="1"
showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<field id="enable_installments">1</field>
<tooltip>Configure your installment for each credit card type: Insert the minimum amount required to
make the configured installment available in the amount range column.
Example: if the amount range is configured to 100 and the number of installments to 4x, the shopper
will see the 4x option only if the payment total is higher or equal than 100.
Generate the desired installments configuration <a href="">here</a> and paste it on this field.
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