Commit 2ac407f2 authored by Rik ter Beek's avatar Rik ter Beek Committed by Aleffio

store card on adyen side for pos payments

diff --git a/Model/AdyenInitiateTerminalApi.php b/Model/AdyenInitiateTerminalApi.php
index 464ae2e..a21c9c9 100644
--- a/Model/AdyenInitiateTerminalApi.php
+++ b/Model/AdyenInitiateTerminalApi.php
@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@
  * Author: Adyen <>

 namespace Adyen\Payment\Model;

 use Adyen\Payment\Api\AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface;
 use Adyen\Payment\Model\Ui\AdyenPosCloudConfigProvider;
 use Adyen\Util\Util;
+use Magento\Payment\Gateway\Http\ClientInterface;

 class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface
@@ -90,9 +93,7 @@ class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface

      * Trigger sync call on terminal
-     *
      * @return mixed
-     * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
     public function initiate()
@@ -106,69 +107,71 @@ class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface
         $poiId = $this->_adyenHelper->getPoiId();
         $serviceID = date("dHis");
         $timeStamper = date("Y-m-d") . "T" . date("H:i:s+00:00");
+        // if custom is logged in send data accross
         $customerId = $quote->getCustomerId();

-        $request = [
-            'SaleToPOIRequest' =>
-                [
-                    'MessageHeader' =>
-                        [
-                            'MessageType' => 'Request',
-                            'MessageClass' => 'Service',
-                            'MessageCategory' => 'Payment',
-                            'SaleID' => 'Magento2Cloud',
-                            'POIID' => $poiId,
-                            'ProtocolVersion' => '3.0',
-                            'ServiceID' => $serviceID,
-                        ],
-                    'PaymentRequest' =>
-                        [
-                            'SaleData' =>
-                                [
-                                    'TokenRequestedType' => 'Customer',
-                                    'SaleTransactionID' =>
-                                        [
-                                            'TransactionID' => $reference,
-                                            'TimeStamp' => $timeStamper,
-                                        ],
-                                ],
-                            'PaymentTransaction' =>
-                                [
-                                    'AmountsReq' =>
-                                        [
-                                            'Currency' => $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode(),
-                                            'RequestedAmount' => $quote->getGrandTotal(),
-                                        ],
-                                ],
-                            'PaymentData' =>
-                                [
-                                    'PaymentType' => $transactionType,
-                                ],
-                        ],
-                ],
-        ];
-        // If customer exists add it into the request to store request
+        $newStructureValue = "";
+//        $oldValueStructure = "";
         if (!empty($customerId)) {
             $shopperEmail = $quote->getCustomerEmail();
             $recurringContract = $this->_adyenHelper->getAdyenPosCloudConfigData('recurring_type');

-            if (!empty($recurringContract)) {
-                $jsonValue = '{
+            $jsonValue = '{
                 "shopperEmail": "' . $shopperEmail . '",
                 "shopperReference": "' . $customerId . '",
                 "recurringContract": "' . $recurringContract . '"

-                $request['SaleToPOIRequest']['PaymentRequest']['SaleData']['SaleToAcquirerData'] = base64_encode($jsonValue);
-            }
+            $jsonValueBase64 = base64_encode($jsonValue);
+            $newStructureValue = '"SaleToAcquirerData":"' . $jsonValueBase64 . '",';
+//            $oldValueStructure = '"SaleToAcquirerData":"shopperEmail=' . $shopperEmail . '&shopperReference=' . $customerId . '&recurringContract=' . $recurringContract . '",';

+        $json = '{
+                    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
+                        "MessageHeader": {
+                            "MessageType": "Request",
+                            "MessageClass": "Service",
+                            "MessageCategory": "Payment",
+                            "SaleID": "Magento2Cloud",
+                            "POIID": "' . $poiId . '",
+                            "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
+                            "ServiceID": "' . $serviceID . '"
+                        },
+                        "PaymentRequest": {
+                            "SaleData": {
+                                ' . $newStructureValue . '
+                                "TokenRequestedType":"Customer",
+                                "SaleTransactionID": {
+                                    "TransactionID": "' . $reference . '",
+                                    "TimeStamp": "' . $timeStamper . '"
+                                },
+                                "TokenRequestedType": "Customer"
+                            },
+                            "PaymentTransaction": {
+                                "AmountsReq": {
+                                    "Currency": "' . $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode() . '",
+                                    "RequestedAmount": ' . $quote->getGrandTotal() . '
+                                }
+                            },
+                            "PaymentData": {
+                                "PaymentType": "' . $transactionType . '"
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            ';
+        $params = json_decode($json, true); //Create associative array for passing along

         try {
-            $response = $service->runTenderSync($request);
+            $response = $service->runTenderSync($params);
         } catch (\Adyen\AdyenException $e) {
             //Not able to perform a payment
parent c202c694
......@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@
* Author: Adyen <>
namespace Adyen\Payment\Model;
use Adyen\Payment\Api\AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface;
use Adyen\Payment\Model\Ui\AdyenPosCloudConfigProvider;
use Adyen\Util\Util;
use Magento\Payment\Gateway\Http\ClientInterface;
class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface
......@@ -90,9 +93,7 @@ class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface
* Trigger sync call on terminal
* @return mixed
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function initiate()
......@@ -106,69 +107,71 @@ class AdyenInitiateTerminalApi implements AdyenInitiateTerminalApiInterface
$poiId = $this->_adyenHelper->getPoiId();
$serviceID = date("dHis");
$timeStamper = date("Y-m-d") . "T" . date("H:i:s+00:00");
// if custom is logged in send data accross
$customerId = $quote->getCustomerId();
$request = [
'SaleToPOIRequest' =>
'MessageHeader' =>
'MessageType' => 'Request',
'MessageClass' => 'Service',
'MessageCategory' => 'Payment',
'SaleID' => 'Magento2Cloud',
'POIID' => $poiId,
'ProtocolVersion' => '3.0',
'ServiceID' => $serviceID,
'PaymentRequest' =>
'SaleData' =>
'TokenRequestedType' => 'Customer',
'SaleTransactionID' =>
'TransactionID' => $reference,
'TimeStamp' => $timeStamper,
'PaymentTransaction' =>
'AmountsReq' =>
'Currency' => $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode(),
'RequestedAmount' => $quote->getGrandTotal(),
'PaymentData' =>
'PaymentType' => $transactionType,
// If customer exists add it into the request to store request
$newStructureValue = "";
// $oldValueStructure = "";
if (!empty($customerId)) {
$shopperEmail = $quote->getCustomerEmail();
$recurringContract = $this->_adyenHelper->getAdyenPosCloudConfigData('recurring_type');
if (!empty($recurringContract)) {
$jsonValue = '{
$jsonValue = '{
"shopperEmail": "' . $shopperEmail . '",
"shopperReference": "' . $customerId . '",
"recurringContract": "' . $recurringContract . '"
$request['SaleToPOIRequest']['PaymentRequest']['SaleData']['SaleToAcquirerData'] = base64_encode($jsonValue);
$jsonValueBase64 = base64_encode($jsonValue);
$newStructureValue = '"SaleToAcquirerData":"' . $jsonValueBase64 . '",';
// $oldValueStructure = '"SaleToAcquirerData":"shopperEmail=' . $shopperEmail . '&shopperReference=' . $customerId . '&recurringContract=' . $recurringContract . '",';
$json = '{
"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageType": "Request",
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"SaleID": "Magento2Cloud",
"POIID": "' . $poiId . '",
"ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
"ServiceID": "' . $serviceID . '"
"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
' . $newStructureValue . '
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "' . $reference . '",
"TimeStamp": "' . $timeStamper . '"
"TokenRequestedType": "Customer"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "' . $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode() . '",
"RequestedAmount": ' . $quote->getGrandTotal() . '
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "' . $transactionType . '"
$params = json_decode($json, true); //Create associative array for passing along
try {
$response = $service->runTenderSync($request);
$response = $service->runTenderSync($params);
} catch (\Adyen\AdyenException $e) {
//Not able to perform a payment
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