Commit 0646c0b2 authored by Mike Pretzlaw's avatar Mike Pretzlaw

Created an class to gather information about a database and it dependencies

parent 0d96e0b9
class EcomDev_PHPUnit_Model_Mysql4_Db_Info implements EcomDev_PHPUnit_Model_Mysql4_Db_InfoInterface
/** @var Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface|null Current used adapter. */
protected $_adapter = null;
/** @var array Information about the magento database [table => [...]]. */
protected $_information;
* Before fetching information about a table.
* @return $this
public function fetch()
// reset information
// iterate over each available table
$listTables = $this->getAdapter()->listTables();
foreach ($listTables as $tableName)
// describe the table
$data = new Varien_Object();
$foreignKeys = $this->getAdapter()->getForeignKeys($tableName);
$dependency = array();
if (is_array($foreignKeys))
// add each depending table
foreach ($foreignKeys as $keyData)
$dependency[] = $keyData['REF_TABLE_NAME'];
$this->_information[$tableName] = $data;
* Get the current used adapter.
* @return Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface|Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract|null
public function getAdapter()
return $this->_adapter;
* Get dependencies for a single table.
* @param $tableName
* @return array|null Will return the tables that depend on the given one.
public function getTableDependencies($tableName)
if (isset($this->_information[$tableName])
&& $this->_information[$tableName] instanceof Varien_Object
return $this->_information[$tableName]->getDependencies();
return null;
* Reset dependencies information.
* @return $this
public function reset()
$this->_information = array();
* Provide an adapter.
* @param Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface $adapter
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return mixed
public function setAdapter($adapter)
if (!($adapter instanceof Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported adapter ' . get_class($adapter));
$this->_adapter = $adapter;
interface EcomDev_PHPUnit_Model_Mysql4_Db_InfoInterface
* Provide an adapter.
* @param Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface $adapter
* @return mixed
public function setAdapter($adapter);
* Get the current used adapter.
* @return Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface|Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract|null
public function getAdapter();
* Get dependencies for a single table.
* @param $tableName
* @return array Will return the tables that depend on the given one.
public function getTableDependencies($tableName);
* Before fetching information about a table.
* @return $this
public function fetch();
* Reset dependencies information.
* @return $this
public function reset();
class EcomDev_PHPUnitTest_Test_Model_Mysql4_Db_InfoTest extends EcomDev_PHPUnit_Test_Case
/** @var EcomDev_PHPUnit_Model_Mysql4_Db_InfoInterface */
protected $_factory;
* Set up unit testing.
* @return void
public function setUp()
$this->_factory = new EcomDev_PHPUnit_Model_Mysql4_Db_Info();
* Tear down unit testing.
* @return void
public function tearDown()
$this->_factory = null;
* Check if the model return the correct dependencies.
* @return void
public function testGetTheDependenciesForASpecificTable()
$this->assertEquals(array('mother'), $this->_factory->getTableDependencies('child'));
$this->assertEquals(null, $this->_factory->getTableDependencies('some_unknown'));
* check if the model resets the information correct.
* @return void
public function testItCanResetTheFetchedInformation()
// write something to the field via reflection
$reflect = $this->_getReflection();
$property = $reflect->getProperty('_information');
$property->setValue($this->_factory, array(uniqid()));
* Check if the fetched information about a table is correct.
* @return void
public function testItFetchesInformationAboutATable()
$adapterMock = $this->_getMockedAdapter();
// check the fetched data
$reflectObject = $this->_getReflection();
$property = $reflectObject->getProperty('_information');
$information = $property->getValue($this->_factory);
$this->assertEquals(array_keys($information), $adapterMock->listTables());
/** @var Varien_Object $child */
$child = $information['child'];
$this->assertEquals(array('mother'), $child->getDependencies());
* Check whether an adapter can be set and get.
* @return null
public function testYouNeedToProvideAnAdapter()
/** @var Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface $adapterMock */
$adapterMock = $this->getMock('Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface');
$this->assertTrue($adapterMock instanceof Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface);
$this->assertSame($adapterMock, $this->_factory->getAdapter());
return null;
* Mock the adapter without any configuration.
* @return Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
protected function _getMockedAdapter()
/** @var Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql $adapterMock Mock without connecting to a server. */
$adapterMock = $this->getMock(
false // ignore original constructor
$this->assertTrue($adapterMock instanceof Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql);
// mock listTables: with two tables that depend on each other
$listTablesReturn = array('child', 'mother');
$this->assertEquals($adapterMock->listTables(), $listTablesReturn);
// mock describeTable
$describeTableReturn = array(
'SCHEMA_NAME' => 'test',
'TABLE_NAME' => 'foo',
'COLUMN_NAME' => 'bar',
'DATA_TYPE' => 'int',
'DEFAULT' => '',
'NULLABLE' => '',
'LENGTH' => '',
'SCALE' => '',
'UNSIGNED' => true,
'PRIMARY' => false,
'IDENTITY' => false,
$this->assertEquals($adapterMock->describeTable('child'), $describeTableReturn);
// mock adapter::getForeignKeys
$getForeignKeysReturn = array(
'child' => array(
'fk_mother' => array(
'FK_NAME' => 'idMother',
'SCHEMA_NAME' => 'test',
'TABLE_NAME' => 'child',
'COLUMN_NAME' => 'kf_mother',
'REF_SHEMA_NAME' => 'test',
'REF_TABLE_NAME' => 'mother',
'REF_COLUMN_NAME' => 'idMother',
'ON_DELETE' => '',
'ON_UPDATE' => ''
'mother' => array(),
function ($tableName) use ($getForeignKeysReturn)
return $getForeignKeysReturn[$tableName];
$this->assertEquals($adapterMock->getForeignKeys('child'), $getForeignKeysReturn['child']);
return $adapterMock;
* Reflect the object.
* @return ReflectionObject
protected function _getReflection()
$reflect = new ReflectionObject($this->_factory);
return $reflect;
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